UPC is the catalog number for the release or « product ».

A release, like an album, can have multiple tracks. So one UPC can refer to a release with several ISRCs. 

The UPC is mentioned in the release information.


The ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is the standard identifying code attributed to each audio recording (both musical and audiovisual). Each track of your product must necessarily have an ISRC code, which will be definitively assigned to it once. 

The ISRC code can be broken down in the following manner:


ISRC code : FR-6V8-12-12340

ISRC root : FR-6V8  

  • FR: Country code (designating the place of residence of the first owner)
  • 6V8: Registrant code
  • 12: Year of reference (allocated by the registrant)
  • 12340 : Designation code

After you connect to your Backstage, you have to indicate your ISRC root(s). The ISRC root is mandatory to upload a new products in your Backstage.

If you have an ISRC root

We invite you to indicate your ISRC root in your Backstage. For each new track you create, we invite you to use your own ISRC on the ISRC field.

  • Be Musix do not generate ISRC codes for your tracks
  • Before submitting a release, you must indicate an ISRC code for each track.
  • You may enter any ISRC code, including one that doesn’t use the root you have provided (for example, for a licensed track)
  • One single ISRC is needed for you to start the product creation process.

If you haven’t an ISRC root

  1. Confirm that you don’t have an ISRC for each track
    You may indicate an ISRC provided by a third party or obtained by other means.
  2. Be Musix generate ISRCs for your releases
  3. Accept Be Musix’s Terms and Conditions for generating ISRC code
    You must choose to have Be Musix generate an ISRC for each track you upload without an ISRC code.
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Be Musix, is a full-service digital music distribution company, was launched in 2022 and has its presence in Bangladesh, United Kingdom, and USA. We have over 150+ stores worldwide, which allows us to provide you a wide range of audiences for your music. We deliver your songs across multiple formats- Singles, EPS, Albums, Pre-order. We aim to provide the best stores to our artists with various partners including all the major players in the music industry for download, streaming, and video services.
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