Free VEVO Video Distribution

Before you submit a music video, it is important that you understand how to properly format your audio, video, and much more. We’ve prepared this checklist that serves as a “Best Practices” check-list to help you understand our specifications. Once you’ve read this checklist, complete the submission form and process your payment so we can […]

Terms & Conditions – ISRC generation

I hereby agree to the Terms & Conditions related to the use of this ISRC-generation service, in accordance to the IFPI “International ISRC Agency Bulletin 2009/03 UPDATE: Approval of ISRC Managers to assign ISRC”. By confirming in the Be Musix Backstage that a track has not been previously issued an ISRC and that you need […]

Label Approval on Beatport

Please note that prior to sending the releases of a particular label to Beatport, the label must be approved by the service.   For that, the label needs to have a first sellable (it has a tick mark) release in Backstage. To apply for Label Approval on Beatport, send the following to your local Support team: If […]

Cover Artwork rules

This article is a part of Be Musix’s Audio Content Guidelines. Reminder: Cover artwork is mandatory. Deliver the original artwork whenever possible. Quality Artwork format. The artwork must be in JPEG or PNG format, between 1440×1440 and 3000×3000 pixels, encoded with an sRGB color space. Pixelated, blurry, stretched, misaligned or rotated artworks are not accepted. Cropped images […]

YouTube Official Artist Channel Certification (OAC)

A Youtube Official Artist Channel (OAC) gathers, in one single place, all the albums, music and video of an artist allowing artists to directly reach and interact with their fans on YouTube . Click the links for more information on  Official Artist Channels. Thanks to our close partnership with YouTube, Be Musix offers our producers an accelerated […]

Upload HD audio files

Backstage gives you the possibility to upload HD content when creating a new release. To do so, simply upload your HD audio files via the uploader. Our system automatically detects and manages the following formats: Rule : To deliver an HD release, you must use the same audio format for the totality of the tracks. Please […]