Release life-cycle
Before being released on the different audio and video platforms, your release will go through the following steps:
Upload an audio release in Backstage
If this is your first release, you may be asked to enter your ISRC root before you start the release creation. There are two methods for creating releases in the Backstage: Choose the appropriate method, according to the number of releases you’re planning to ingest. Both methods are accessible through the main menu on the left corner of […]
UPC UPC is the catalog number for the release or « product ». A release, like an album, can have multiple tracks. So one UPC can refer to a release with several ISRCs. The UPC is mentioned in the release information. ISRC The ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) is the standard identifying code attributed to each audio recording (both […]
Filling-in the XLS metadata template
For the multiple releases submission, or a catalog transfer, you have the option of using the XLS template upload that you can find in the Backstage. To discover all the possible ways of content submission, please refer to the article Create a release in the Be Musix Backstage. 1. Types of templates Several types of templates […]
Find your artist ID on Spotify & Apple Music
If you want to ensure that your release ends up in the correct artist page on Apple Music and/or Spotify or in the correct artist channel on YouTube, we encourage you to add your Artist ID during the release creation in your Backstage. Here is how to find your Artist ID on : Spotify On the Web browser […]
Version information for specific genres
This article is a part of Be Musix’s Audio Content Guidelines. Live recording version information If the audio is from a live recording, the title version must be indicated as “Live.” Territory-specific versions (” Ao Vivo” in Portuguese, and “En Vivo” or “En Directo” in Spanish) should be used. Do not use “Live” for Standup/Comedy albums. […]
Audio Content Guidelines
The presentation of the following guidelines is to be fully transparent with you regarding our editorial policy, as our main goal is to serve you the best we can by maximizing your revenues. These guidelines detail all the checks and corrections that are operated by our Content Management teams to deliver releases that are compliant […]
How To Set Up Your Music Tab on TikTok

TikTok’s Music Tab is a great way to highlight your most popular tracks right on your profile for everyone to see. If you haven’t set yours up yet, here’s how to do it… About TikTok’s Music Tab What was previously only available for artists with over 10k followers is now open for everyone! Adding a […]
Copyright Disputes (Filing dispute/claim)

If you feel you and/or your work is the victim of copyright infringement, you can use the links below to request takedowns directly to Digital Service Providers. This is as comprehensive of a list as we can communicate, and we will continue to update this as we get more details from our partners. This is […]