Welcome to be musix llc
Generate Welcome Tune Code for all sims in Bangladesh completely free.
Download the NOC format and update your information in the file. After completing the update, fill the form below and submit.
Follow the below steps. Submit everything correctly.
  1. Download the NOC Template.
  2. Update/Modify Date.
  3. Update the song title.
  4. Update the singer name.
  5. Update the album name.
  6. Update the lyricist name.
  7. Update the composer name.
  8. Get the signature of the artist, lyricist and composer of the song in the box below. Update their name, address and phone number below the signature.
  9. Then fill the form below and submit.
  10. Get welcome tune in 3-7 days.

Fill the form below.

Be Musix, is a full-service digital music distribution company, was launched in 2022 and has its presence in Bangladesh, United Kingdom, and USA. We have over 150+ stores worldwide, which allows us to provide you a wide range of audiences for your music. We deliver your songs across multiple formats- Singles, EPS, Albums, Pre-order. We aim to provide the best stores to our artists with various partners including all the major players in the music industry for download, streaming, and video services.
Company Info
Copyright© 2024 Be Musix LLC. All rights reserved.